Black Sea Bass Deep Sea Fishing Charters
Types Of Black Sea Bass:
Stereolepis gigas, also known as the black sea bass, is a member of the wreckfish family
Centropristis striata, is a member of the sea bass and sea grouper family
Dissostichus eleginoides, also known as the Patagonian toothfish, is a member of the cod icefish family

Characteristics Of The Black Sea Bass
The black sea bass is generally black or dark charcoal in color and has tiny white spots all over its dorsal fin. You may find distinctive or in-distinctive patterns in smaller fish. Adult male Sea Bass have feathery edges along their anal and caudal fin and also have a hump just forward of the dorsal fin. Many people fishing in Tampa Bay will call them spotted black sea bass. As a sea bass matures, there are slight variations in their proportions. The smallest sea bass are often nicknamed “pin” bass. Larger fish are nicknamed “humpback” bass because as they grow larger they tend to bulk out just behind the head.
Color is generally black or charcoal, with blue highlights and tiny white spots or stripes on dorsal fin. Indistinct pattern sometimes present on sides, especially in small fish. In adults, the dorsal, anal and caudal fins may have feathery edges, and large males show a distinctive hump forward of the dorsal.
Where To Find Black Sea Bass
Large concentrations of black sea bass can be found on the natural hard limestone bottoms of Tampa Bay and the Gulf Of Mexico. The bottom of the ocean makes crackling sounds in the limestone and draws attention from the black sea bass. click here to find the best times to fish Black Sea Bass.
Black Sea Bass Dimensions | Size And Weight
The average sea bass in Tampa Bay weighs about 1½ lb. The world record sea bass is 9 lb 8 oz, but any sea bass above 5 lb is considered a larger type fish. When adult sea basses mature they can take on slighlty different variations to proportion sizes. Catching a 3-4 lp sea bass is considered awesome as the larger sea bass are more rare at around 5-8lbs. The current Florida record for catching a black sea bass is 5 lbs 1 ounce.
The Black Sea Bass “Fight”
The Black Sea Bas is a very hard and willing striker of bait which include mostly natural bait and artificial lures. Many fisherman in Tampa often try to catch this delicacy with too heavy of a tackle and they sometimes will take the fun away. Everybody knows how tasty these fish are which is why they make sure they don’t get away.
Black Sea Bass Technique
Drift fishing with some natural bait such as squid is a great way to lure these beauties in! Captain Tom Pooler of Tampa Bay Offshore Fishing also likes to use fluke belly or just some mummy chubs. Sometimes we catch these sea bass when we are jigging for striped bass with a wire line. the doormats themselves can be over 10 pounds each.
Black Sea Bass Tackle and Bait
Capt Tom will use bait casting and light spinning tackle to catch the sea bass. Many times the black sea bass will strike shrimp dead or alive as well as all sorts of bait cuts. the black sea bass seems to always be hungry and available when fishing in Tampa Bay.
Tampa Deep Sea Fishing ForBlack Sea Bass
Tampa Bay Offshore Fishing Charters goes deep sea fishing for all types of fish aboard our 31′ Formula boat. By creating a once in a lifetime experience, we usually are exceeding our customers expectations. One goal is to always explain about the time of year and what’s biting in Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.
Tampa Bay Offshore Fishing Charter Reservations
Tampa Bay Offshore Fishing
6701 Sunshine Skyway Lane South, STE 60
St. Petersburg, Florida 33711